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- History
Serving R&D on core technology and a variety of experiences as a foundation,
XCURE is growing as years goes by
2006~20010 연혁
Listed to KOSDAQ market
Supply Contact-USIM to SKT
Selected as “SW global star promotion company” by KOTRA and Ministry of Knowledge Economy
Grand prize for Venture Company - Commendation by the Minister of Knowledge Economy
Selected as WBS project smart card consortium
Development of Smart SD Card - LGU+
Change in company name from Smart Card Research Center to Hansol Secure Co., Ltd.
T-Money open mobile prepaid card v2 authentication(SKT, KT)
Supply USIM Combi Card to SKT
Supply USIM Combi Card to KT
Selected as business for the development of national strategic technology(large capacity USIM)
Selected as business innovation type small & medium businesses (MAIN-BIZ)
Selected as promising export small & medium businesses
– Small & Medium Business Administration
Development of large capacity USIM management infrastructure pilot for KT
Grand prize of 2008 IT Innovation – Commendation by prime minister
Contract/supply of Combi-USIM to SKT
E-attendance system upgrade and construction for Hanyang University
Construction of KT USIM M-Payment system
Win a contract for smart card system of Chonnam National
University/Hanyang University/Jeonju University
Supply one million USIM combi cards of dual use for transportation to SKT
Construction of mobile banking system for Suhyup
Construction of Shinhan Card Integrated ID issue system
Succeeded in commercialization of UICC (Combi-USIM) CARD for the first time in the World
First certification for T-Money in telecommunication section
Supply contract and supply of integrated SAM for Dongle of 3 telecommunications company
Supply of LGT mobile transportation card